Thursday, December 2, 2010

Herbal Remedies For Children

Oh I am so excited about today's post....but please, before you give your children these remedies, please consult your pediatrician!


Herbal Remedies For Children

Learn how to choose gentle, mild herbs with soothing properties to ease many childhood ailments and hasten your child's recovery.

Babies get healing chemicals contained in herbal remedies via their mother's milk, along with protective natural antibodies. Once children stop breast feeding, however, their immature immune systems leave then susceptible to respiratory and other infections.

Luckily, herbs such as echinacea, elderberry and rosehip can give their immune response a boost.

This is not the only herbal benefit available to children; a chamomile infusion soothes a hyper-active child, while used as a compress or balm it is a natural antiseptic for cuts and scrapes. Many herbs ease growing pains, although you do have to be aware of special considerations when administering natural medicines to your little ones.

Special Considerations

Reduce the standard dosage of herbal remedies to suit the age of your child

Please always consult your pediatrician first

  • 6 mos---1 year     5% of adult dose
  • 1---3 years         10% of adult dose
  • 3---5 years         20% of adult dose
  • 5---10 years       50% of adult dose
  • 10---15 years     80% of adult dose
  • 15 years +          Full adult dose

Special Advice For Treating Babies

  • Don't give herbs to babies under 6 months of age without professional consultation
  • Infants can become ill rapidly. Seek Emergency attention for fever over 102 F, diarrhea, vomiting or breathing difficulties.
  • Honey is an ideal way to administer herbs to children, but is not recommended for infants under one year. it can induce serious food poisoning in babies.

Herbs To Treat Children

The following herbs are mild to the taste and gentle on the body. 

Lemon Balm~This herb is rich in volatile oils, which calm the nervous system. An infusion of dried herb will soothe restless toddlers.

A compress soaked in lemon balm infusion cools feverish infections, including mumps and measles.

Fennel~This herb has a reputation for soothing colic in babies. The seeds contain 10% anethole, which relieves gas.

Give fennel as a weak infusion or decoction

Elderflower~A homemade cordial from the summer bloom of this tree dries up phlegmy conditions, including asthma and hay fever.

Elderflower strengthens the respiratory tract and a gargled infusion can help tonsillitis. A syrupy decoction of its berries is an expectorant for winter coughs and colds

Barley~A tonic for growing children, barley is easily digested. It relieves indigestion and is a remedy for an upset tummy. Barley water promotes appetite.

Chamomile~One of the safest and most popular herbs for infants, chamomile has traditionally been used to treat a wide range of ailments. A flower infusion soothes and aids sleep during teething and helps tummy upsets and colic.

A cream provides anti-inflammatory relief from diaper rash and eczema

Witchhazel~This herb has astringent, drying properties. Apply a dilute solution externally to stem bleeding and reduce inflammation

The bark of the witchhazel tree can be distilled or made into ointments

Echinacea~This herb strengthens a child's immunity. A tincture or decoction promotes respite from respiratory infection and asthma. Its polysaccharides inhibit viruses and its alkamides combat bacteria.

Ensure correct dilution as it can induce nausea in sensitive individuals.

Calendula~This herb soothes minor skin problems. The astringent antiseptic action is efective against diaper rash, cradle cap and ringworm

Tinctures made from calendula are gentle, mild and versatile

Spearmint~Sweet and mild, spearmint is the most suitable cultivar for children. An infusion makes a cooling drink for colds and chicken pox.

A compress from a spearmint infusion is refreshing, while a tea helps colic, coughs and stomachaches.

Lozenges reduce feelings of travel sickness

Blackcurrant Barley Water

For a healthy tonic, make this old-fashioned barley water to replace carbonated drinks.

You will need:
  • 1 part Pearl Barley
  • 9 parts Water
  • Blackcurrant juice to taste
  1. Gently simmer the barley in the water for 20 minutes in a large saucepan
  2. Strain and retain the liquid
  3. Add blackcurrant juice to taste
  4. Store in a jug in the fridge or up to 3 days.
Other fruit juices, for example orange or cranberry, can be used instead of blackcurrant juice if preferred.

I know I have already said it a few times in this post, but I have to reiterate;

Please consult your pediatrician before starting any herbal remedies

Ok ..thanks for reading m'friends!

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