If you have pets, then you are all too familiar with the pesky li'l critters we lovingly call FLEAS. (ok maybe not lovingly lol).
If you are like me, you hate to put harmful chemicals on your beloved pets! Well don't fret; I have found the perfect info for you and your four legged friends....read on m'friends, you'll like this!.
15 HERBS FOR YOUR PETS (and Sanity!)
Eucalyptus~Spray a dilution of Eucalyptus oil and water on everything in the house, including furniture, carpet, and wherever your pets sleep to deter these pesky pets. Place sachets of the eucalyptus leaves in strategic places around your home. You can even plant a Eucalyptus tree in a pot to repel the darn beings...BE AWARE; THIS PLANT IS TOXIC TO CATS. So keep the plant out of reach to them! If you don't want to chance it or cannot come across the eucalyptus, you may substitute the oils of rosemary and peppermint.
Dogs can benefit greatly from the eucalyptus oil as a flea deterrent, Here's how:
- Add 2-3 of the oil in a spray bottle.
- Spray on your dog and let dry
You can also use it as a shampoo:
- Mix 32oz no-tear shampoo with 4-6 drops of the oil.
- Shampoo your doggie and leave the lather for about 5min.
- Rinse and repeat, watch it doesn't get into eyes
You can also rub the oil on your dogs' collar!
Valerian~Like humans, dogs are soothed by this herb, by calming them and helping them sleep. Try a combo of the following to lower blood pressure and treat asthma in dogs:
- Valerian
- Chamomile
- California Poppy
Valerian has the opposite effect on cats. It works as a stimulant and gets them moving. Though I am certain this is not necessary!
Milk Thistle~Speak to your vet before using..but this herb protects an improves the liver. Look to it if
your pet is on any medication that compromises liver function.Garlic~This bulb provides wealth of health benefits for your pet(..and YOU)! It can lower triglycerides and blood cholesterol levels and prevent blood clotting in the cardiovascular system It also enhances liver function, fights off bacterial and fungal infections and makes a fantastic flea and tick repellent.
Dr. Richard Pitcairn, in his book, The Complete Guide to Natural Dogs and Cats, recommends the following amounts of fresh garlic for dogs according to their weight:
- 10-15 pounds: 1/2 clove
- 20-40 pounds: 1 clove
- 45-70 pounds: 2 cloves
- 75-90 pounds: 2 1/2 cloves
- More than 100 pounds: 3 cloves

Ginger~Prepared as a tea, pour in your pet's water dish or over food, or administer as a tincture;
ginger soothes an upset stomach.

Calendula~Anti-inflammatory an anti-fungal benefits is what you'll get from this wonderful herb-great for healing. Apply the petals of the flower directly to a wound or make it into a tea and use as a topical antiseptic wash to kill bacteria. You can also add fresh or dried leaves to your dog's food to improve digestion. Use only one 1tsp dried petals or 1tbsp of fresh petal per 20lbs. Soak your dog's toothbrush in Calendula tea before brushing to help prevent gum disease!

an eye wash from this natural antibiotic. Simply make into a tea and let cool. The herb also teats bowel and stomach ailments.

Dandelion~This bitter diuretic may help bladder problems. It will also stimulate bile production n dogs who lack adequate amounts of stomach acid and it helps circulation in the liver. Shred the root after thoroughly cleaning into your dogs' food. A tincture made with cat's claw and dandelion root
contains natural cortisone which can be very beneficial to cats with itching and allergies.

Catnip~We all know that catnip makes felines go crazy, but it actually serves a purpose beyond our cat thyme (Teucrium marum)
own entertainment; it relieves stress and nervousness. Catnip tea is very calming for cats with itchy skin. If your cat doesn't respond to catnip, try using
Echinacea~The immune system boosting benefits of Echinacea is wonderful for fighting infections in your pet. Try making this tea:
- Pour one cup of boiling water over 1 tsp dried herb (or 1tbsp if fresh).
- Steep the tea, covered, for 15min.
- Strain into a jar and let cool.
- Combine 3 drops for each tsp of water.
- To administer use an eyedropper to squeeze the appropriate amount of tea or tincture into your pet's mouth. Give the treatment three times per day; discontinue after one week.
- 1/2 tsp a day for pets weighting less than 20 pounds.
- 1 tsp for pets weighing 20-40 pounds.
- 1 tbs for pets weighing more than 40 pounds.

Ginkgo~This herb is used most often for dogs exhibiting cognitive disorders. Ginkgo may also be beneficial in treating congestive heart failure due to its ability to increase dilation of blood vessels.biloba showed that it was effective in treating some symptoms of cardiovascular disease, including feline thrombosis (blood clots)
According to studies from Vanderbilt University, ginkgo
White Willow Bark~A pain reliever similar to aspirin, this herb is used mainly for dogs with arthritis. It can also aid in the prevention of blood clots. White willow bark and other substances that contain salicylates, are toxic to cats and should not be used.

Licorice Root~This root is a natural cortisone that relieves allergies and arthritis n cats, this root also helps digestive and endocrine disorders. Because it soothes mucus membranes, licorice works great for colds and other respiratory problems.

Aloe Vera~Administer the herb internally (consult vet first!!) to teat infections, gas and constipation.
Apply the gel of the leaf topically as a treatment for burns scrapes, or minor skin irritations.
Ok....I hope this information helps soothes and inform all the parents and the pets that own them!!!