Cypress Folklore
This long lived evergreen signified everlasting life to Mediterrainean peoples for thousands of years.
- According to legend, Pluto, god of the Underworld in Greek mythology, lived beside a great cypress tree.
- Pagan Mediterranean tribes carved gods from cypress wood because it was remarkably resistant to decay.
- Ancient Phoenicians and Cretans planted cypress trees next to grav es to give eternal life. They are still planted next to homes to bless the occupants with a long, healthy life.
- During spells and incantations, vaporize cypress oil to focus creative thoughts and increase your energy.
Folklore Of Benzoin

- Warming Benzoin works under the rulership of the Sun. Use it during the dark winter months to re-energize the mind, body and spirit.
- Ancient Eastern civilizations used Benzoin resin to drive away evil spirits from thier homesteads. It's still used today as an ingredient of incense.
- In old gerbalist lore, Benzoin is referred to as "virgins milk". It was blended with Lavender and ethanol to make ladies" scented toilet water.
- In the home, use Benzoin oil to protect against life's crises tand to help release the tensions and resentments between family members.
The Bay tree is an ancient symbol of wisdom, peace and cultural excellence. It is also an her that signifies love and protection.
- The Ancient Greeks dedicated Bay to the god Apollo, and also to his son Asclepius, the god of medicine. Bay was said to be sacred to Apollo in honor of his first love , the nymph Daphne, who was changed into a Bay Laurel tree by her father, the river god Peneus, to save her from being caught by Apollo.
- Bay symbolizes sporting excellence at the Olympic Games - a tradition that has been passed down for thousands of years. Bay replaced the olive branch in this role because of the influence of the Pythian games at Delphi, which were dedicated to Apollo.
- The Ancient Romans decorated their homes with Evergreen wreaths of Bay leaves to celebrate their winter festival of Saturnalia in honor of Saturn, god of agriculture. Bay is still a large feature of the Christmas wreath.
- A symbol of undying affection, lovers exchanged boughs of Bay in ancient times. Sprigs of Bay are sometimes still included in bridal bouquets in European weddings.
- During Medieval times, Bay trees were planted to protect the farmstead from lightning. The sudden death of the tree was said to foretell impending disaster.
Basil is a sacred herb in many belief systems and has associations different deities.
- According to Christian legend, Basil grew on Christ's tomb after his Resurrection. Thus, some Greek Orthodox Churches use Basil to prepare Holy Water.
- This Native herb is held in great reverence throughout India, where it is sacred to Krishna and Vishnu. It is cherished in Hindu homes, where it is believed to protect the family.
The Folklore & Magic of Aromatherapy oils
The Magic of Aniseed
- A Revered herb of the ancient Middle East, Aniseed is one of the oldest spices to have been used for magical purposes.
- The Ancient Romans believed Aniseed to be an aphrodisiac. Cakes flavored with the spice were served at the end of a marriage feast to relax nervous couples before they retired.
- Aniseed was widely cultivated by monks in medieval gardens to to be used in the monastery for its purifying properties, precipitating the herb's spread throughout Northern Europe.
- Aniseed is reputed to avert the evil eye. It is also believed to deter venomous snakes such as vipers.
- Aniseed was so valued in biblical times it was used to pay taxes and rents.