Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Healing With Cinnamon

G'morning all....We are going to get back on track this morning with "Healing with Cinnamon". It was a nice break yesterday with the carrier creams and I *hope* it was a beneficial post to ya'll.

Have a great day and don't forget to stop and *sniff*  the aromatherapy!


Healing With Cinnamon

A familiar food flavoring, Cinnamon is one of the oldest known spices. The essential oil has a peppery, dry and spicy aroma - an excellent warming restorative oil for anyone feeling tired, cold and weak.

It stimulates the mind and body and is effective in treating stress.

Cinnamon is an effective abdominal massage oil, useful for relieving digestive spasms, constipation and diarrhea. It also stimulates the circulation, especially to the extremities.

A wonderful reviving room fragrance, it promotes a general sense of vitality and enthusiasm for life. The strong antiseptic properties of Cinnamon make it a valuable room fumigant, protecting against infections and other illnesses.

Active Ingredients Of Cinnamon Oil


***Cinnamon can be irritating to the skin, so it is best to test it on a small area before use***

Phenols~Up to 90 percent of Cinnamon Oil is made up of Eugenol. Eugenol gives Cinnamon its potent antiseptic, antibacterial activity. It is also responsible for its immune-boosting properties and uplifting, reviving effects.

Proanthocyanidins~This specialized group of bioflavonoids has powerful antioxidant effects and is also a great aid for stimulating blood circulation to the extremities, especially in cold weather or in warming baths.

Uses Of Cinnamon Oil

Soothes Aches & Pains
 Cinnamon stimulates the circulation and brings warming relief to cold and tired muscles  

Relaxing Massage~Soothe tired muscles with a massage. Blend the following:
  • 2 tbsp Grapeseed
  • 1 drop Cinnamon
  • 3 drops Ginger
  • 6 drops Marjoram
Massage the area briskly to stimulate circulation and flush away toxins.

Warming Foot Spa~Bring warmth to cold feet with a circulation-boosting foot bath containing:
  • 2 drop Cinnamon
  • 5 drops Rosemary
Soak your feet in the warm blend for about 10 minutes. Enjoy!

Digestive Tonic

Warm the stomach and encourage a sluggish or painful digestive system with soothing cinnamon oil based blends.

Stomach Massage~For indigestion relief, massage the stomach with the following:
  • 2 tbsp carrier oil
  • 2 drops Cinnamon
  • 6 drops Mandarin

Compress~To treat diarrhea, apply a warm compress across the abdomen containing
  • 2 drops Cinnamon
  • 6 drops Ginger
  • 3 drops Sweet Orange

Clear Infections

Antiviral Vaporizer~Chase away colds and chest infections by adding to a vaporizer:
  • 2 drops Cinnamon
  • 2 drops Tea Tree
  • 2 drops Lemon

Foot Massage~Strengthen your immune system by massaging the soles of the feet with the following blend
  • 1 drop Cinnamon
  • 2 drops Eucalyptus
  • 2 drops Lemon
  • 2 drops Tea Tree

Uplifting Room Fragrance

Combat mental fatigue and lethargy

Boost Concentration~Aid concentration using an essential oil burner or vaporizer and adding:
  • 2 drops Basil
  • 2 drops Cinnamon
  • 5 drops Lemon
Cinnamon and Basil increase mental alertness, Lemon gives a zesty boost.

Festive Atmosphere~To induce a festive winter room fragrance into your home:
  • 1 cup water
  • 1 drop Cinnamon
  • 3 drops Mandarin
  • 6 drops Pine
Pour the blend into a spray bottle to diffuse the aroma.

Okay peeps....we are at the end....thanks so much for spending a few moments with me!

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